Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

Happy New Year!!
Let’s celebrate!!! Fireworks please!!!!

We are about to start a New Year, a new chapter: the Year of the Snake, slithering in silently and smoothly. With it comes the prospect of starting new projects or finalizing what is left over or incomplete. We are very fortunate to be able to do so, to have another opportunity. Do not squander it! Do not let it slip away!
Let’s make full use of this time for personal improvement, be it spiritual, physical, or mental–anything that can make us a better human being and help us live a more meaningful life. Some introspection may be necessary. Let’s start by sitting down quietly to reflect.
Because we know ourselves best, we must be honest and not blame others. Rather, like the snake, let’s slink by silently, without engaging, aware of the itch, but resisting the scratch. Practice body shifting by moving the body out of harm’s way, and develop the same mental ability.
Conflict mostly occurs when a disagreement arises. Remember that these are all trivial things, just opinions, which lose their importance when faced with health-impacting issues. Is the conflict worth it?
Most importantly, stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Then your life can become so much more beautiful and meaningful.
Be happy. Stick to the path and enjoy life.